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Leadership Tips for Store Managers

November 15, 2021 | by Télé-Ressources

Store managers reading a bookStore managers wear many hats, but to be successful, they must first and foremost be good leaders. Employees need a clear, strong voice that will guide, push, and support them. Below, we’ve outlined some of the most important tips that will help any store manager lead their teams and employees to long-term success.

Know the store’s peak times and schedule accordingly

Store managers should be aware of their customer’s trends, specifically when their store is at its busiest and when it’s at its quietest. It should never be understaffed during a busy period because it will strain the employees and lose sales for the owners. If you are experiencing shortages, or someone calls in sick, make sure you are available and accessible to your employees so they know that they have the extra help if they need it.

Prioritize staff training

If new staff is not properly trained, they will fall behind and the more experienced staff will, in addition to performing their own tasks, have to work harder to get the job done. It will also leave a negative impression on the new hires, as they will feel unimportant and unmotivated to thrive in an environment that does not want to help them grow. Proper staff training will lead to better performance and better results, always.

Set achievable performance goals

Setting and tracking goals will be a source of motivation for employees and help keep them engaged at work. As their manager, work with the employees of your store to come up with individualized or team goals, whether it is something measurable like a sales goal, or something less quantifiable, such as improving customer service. Follow up with your employees to see how they are doing and play the role of their coach in guiding and helping them stay on track.

Be more than a manager

The store manager’s role should not consist solely of managing a store, but also of mentoring and leading their team to greatness. If your employees are succeeding, you are succeeding, but if they are failing, then so are you. Your employees are a direct reflection of your leadership, and you are responsible for providing the stepping-stones for your employees to rise and excel.

Know how to handle conflicts reasonably

Conflicts are bound to happen in the workplace, but a manager’s handling of the situation decides whether they will happen again. Always listen to your employees and be the voice of reason. Remain neutral, and make sure you have all the facts. Finally, ask your employees for their proposed solutions, and work with them to develop the best outcome. The way you handle conflict is a great demonstration of the way you lead.